Technical data

Sample Preparation (200 ng DNA Samples) 3
Step 1. Shear the DNA
Target Enrichment System for Illumina Multiplexed Sequencing 43
6 Secure the microTube in the tube holder and shear the DNA with the
settings in Table 19 or Table 20, depending on the Covaris instrument
SonoLab software version used.
The target DNA fragment size is 150 to 200 bp.
7 Put the Covaris microTube back into the loading and unloading station.
8 While keeping the snap-cap on, insert a pipette tip through the
pre-split septa, then slowly remove the sheared DNA.
Table 19 Shear settings for Covaris instruments using SonoLab software version 7 or
Setting Value
Duty Factor 10%
Peak Incident Power (PIP) 175
Cycles per Burst 200
Treatment Time 360 seconds
Bath Temperature 4° to 8° C
Table 20 Shear settings for Covaris instruments using SonoLab software prior to
version 7
Setting Value
Duty Cycle 10%
Intensity 5
Cycles per Burst 200
Time 6 cycles of 60 seconds each
Set Mode Frequency sweeping
Temperature 4° to 7° C