
The manufacturer was developing a new broadband wireless network system and needed
a faster test system. Its existing test system consisted of two sources, a spectrum analyzer,
and power meters. Using this system, they estimated their new product would take 30 minutes to
test; however their speed goal was 15 minutes. In addition to needing a faster test solution, the
company also needed better noise figure and distortion measurements, and it required single-
connection measurements on both up and down converters.
Replacing their existing multi-instrument test system with a single four-port
50 GHz PNA-X enabled the company to realize:
• Faster test times: Complete test suite cut test throughput from an estimated
30 minutes to under ten minutes
• Less downtime and reduced maintenance costs: Reducing the equipment count
reduced the setup time, as well as the headaches associated with multiple equipment faults,
and resulted in lowered annual calibration costs
• Cost savings on equipment: The cost of a four-port PNA-X was substantially less
expensive than the legacy multi-instrument test system.
Wireless networking systems manufacturer reduces throughput from
30 to 10 minutes
The company needed to upgrade its legacy test systems, which consisted of large switch matrices
with network analyzers. They required technicians to keep connecting and disconnecting the
device-under-test (DUT) to multiple instruments to make a range of different measurements. This
approach was slow, costly, prone to inaccuracy, and required a good deal of user intervention and
additional hardware. The company sought a solution that was easy to set up and use, decreased
test time and cost, minimized measurement inaccuracy, and offered a smaller footprint
The company decided to purchase PNA-Xs rather than simply upgrade to newer, code-compat-
ible, drop-in instruments offered by the provider of its legacy test equipment. This decision was
made despite the fact that it meant significant rewrite of legacy software. The company saved
time over their existing test solutions and realized:
• Easy setup and use: Technicians were able to easily connect to a DUT and measure
all different parameters in one pass—without additional hardware
• Faster and more accurate tests: Using just one instrument technicians were able
to conduct their required tests in significantly less time and improve accuracy
• Smaller test system: A single four-port PNA-X reduced their initial capital expense,
equipment count, floor space, and power consumption, which resulted in lower overall
test costs
Global security company speeds test and improves measurement
“We chose the PNA-X for its unique
single-connection, multiple-
measurement capability. The PNA-X
is also the only solution we found
that can make accurate nonlinear
measurements by using its extended
NVNA software option. This saves us an
amazing amount of design time because
it means we can quickly and accu-
rately characterize the nonlinear
behavior of our devices even at crazy
high power levels.”
Test Engineering Manager