User`s guide

7. The table defaults to fixed parameters, the upper right corner of the table should
be labeled FIXED. If it is labeled RELATIVE, press More 1 of 2 . Then press
LIMITS FIX REL so that FIX is underlined. LIMITS FIX REL specifies whether or not the
limit line is relative to the spectrum analyzer center frequency and reference-level settings.
When time parameters are used, the RELATIVE format only affects the amplitude part of
the coordinate pairs. The time parameters are always fixed beginning at the left edge of
the graticule.
8. Specify the first limit-line segment to begin at 50 MHz and have an amplitude of -60
by using the following key sequence:
The coordinates for the second point must be entered before the first and
limit-line segment is displayed.
9. Enter the second limit-line segment by pressing the following keys: 250 MHz 60 -dBm
entries can be edited if you make a mistake. To edit an existing
segment, use SELECT SEGMENT to specify the segment. Use SELECT FREQ ,
SELECT AMPLITUD , or SELECT TYPE to specify the column you wish to edit.
10. Specify the third limit-line segment by pressing the following keys: 400 MHz 15 -dBm
You may notice that the end coordinate of segment three is drawn to a point off the top of
the spectrum analyzer display. This assures that no trace data beyond the end of the limit
line will cause the test to fail.
11. Specify the fourth limit-line segment by pressing the following keys: 600 MHz 15 -dBm
Since the limit line in this procedure has only four segments specified, the frequency
value of segment four (the last segment) is set to 600 MHz, which is greater than the stop
frequency of the display.
Press More 1 of 2, then EDIT DONE when all the segments have been entered.
Press LMT TEST ON OFF so that ON is underlined. This turns the limit testing on. For
example, LIMIT FAIL is displayed because the calibration signal exceeds the limit line.
14. Disconnect the CAL OUT from the spectrum analyzer INPUT 5052. LIMIT PASS is displayed
since no signal exceeds the limit line.
Using Analyzer Features