User`s guide

7-6. Default Configuration Values
Front-Panel Key Access:
restores the factory default values of the horizontal and vertical
synchronization constants for the rear panel MONITOR output.
CRT SYNC DEFAULT can be used to exit from the NTSC or PAL modes to
return to the normal monitor output and use the default synchronization
Front-Panel Key Access:
Coup1 ing
Option 105 only. Option 101 is recommended.
accesses the time gate utility menu for coupling spectrum analyzer settings to
the input pulsed signal parameters. It also accesses the pulsed signal parameter
entry menus.
Front-Panel Key Access:
105 only. Option 101 is recommended.
accesses the menu for turning on and defining the gate, from within the time
gate utility. Gate delay and gate length settings determine when the gate turns
on and how long it remains on. The trigger marker can be activated from this
menu. This menu also includes a function which switches the active window
between the time domain window and the frequency domain window, allowing
the corresponding trace to be updated.
Front-Panel Key Access: (SWEEP)
Option 105 only. Option 101 is recommended.
accesses the menu for manipulating the time domain window in the gate
utility. It will automatically make the time window active and turn off the
gate. The trigger marker can be activated from this menu.
Front-Panel Key Access:
7-32 Key Descriptions