User`s guide

Turning on the Analyzer for the First Time
When you turn the spectrum analyzer on for the first time, you should perform frequency and
amplitude self-calibration routines to generate correction factors and indicate that the unit is
functioning correctly. The spectrum analyzer should be allowed to warm-up for 30 minutes
before performing the self-calibration routines. See “When Is Self-Calibration Needed?”
in Chapter 2 for helpful guidelines on how often the self-calibration routines should be
Perform the following steps:
1. Fbr an HP 85901, HP
HP 8591
HP 85933, HP
HP 85963 ensure the reference connector is connected between the 10 MHz OUTPUT and
EXT REF IN rear-panel connectors. See Figure l-4.
Figure 1-4. Reference Connector
If you wish to use an external 10 MHz source as the reference frequency, disconnect the
reference connector from the rear-panel and connect an external reference source to the
EXT REF IN connector on the rear panel.
2. Plug the power cord into the spectrum analyzer.
Press (LINE).
After a few seconds, the screen displays the firmware revision date in the YYMMDD format.
For example, 930522 indicates May 22, 1993. This is a change from previous revisions where
any firmware date used the DDMMYY format prior to 930506.
Record the firmware date and keep it for reference. If you should ever need to
call Hewlett-Packard for service or with any questions regarding your spectrum
analyzer, it will be helpful to have the firmware date readily available.
If your spectrum analyzer is equipped with Option 021 (HP-IB interface), the appropriate
interface address (HP-IB ADRS : XX) also appears on the screen.
If your spectrum analyzer is equipped with Option 023 (RS-232 interface), the baud rate
(RS232 : XXXX) is displayed.
4. To meet spectrum analyzer specifications, allow a 30 minute warm-up before attempting to
make any calibrated measurements. Be sure to calibrate the spectrum analyzer only afler
the spectrum analyzer has met the operating temperature conditions.
5. Connect the type N (m) to BNC (f) connector (shipped with the spectrum analyzer) to the
Connect the 500 coaxial cable (also shipped with the instrument) between the
front-panel CAL OUT and the INPUT 500 connector. If the spectrum analyzer has Option
1-8 Preparing For Use