Technical data

Understanding Your Agilent ChemStation 225
Using the ChemStation Reports
Report Destination
.CSV The report is in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. This is a very simple
format for tabular data that is accepted by many spreadsheet programs and
databases. Independent from the report style selected, only the information
contained in the report style “Short” will be saved.
There can be several .DIF and .CSV files for a single report. For each report
block, the first file, for example, REPORT00.CSV, contains the report header
information. Subsequent files contain the tabular results.
If the results are sorted by retention/migration time, only one file is required
for the complete table, for example, REPORT01.CSV.
If the results are sorted by signal, a separate table is required for each signal.
In this case, the files are named Report01.CSV through ReportNN.CSV, where
NN is the number of the signal.
.XLS The report is exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in (XLS) format. The
data generally requires additional processing.
.PDF The report is printed to a .pdf file. For the .pdf reports ChemStation uses a
PDF printer, called "novaPDF Pro Server v5". The corresponding license for
this printer is only valid for printing from within ChemStation. If you want to
use this printer from other applications you have to buy a license for that