Technical data

Understanding Your Agilent ChemStation 227
Using the ChemStation Reports
Sequence Summary Reporting
One Page Header
The GLP template prints GLP in large letters as a title page for the following
report. It also includes the date and a place for a signature.
Select Configuration if you want to include the instrument configuration and
analytical column/capillary specifications in the report.
Sequence Table
Select Sequence table to include a list of the samples, sample quantification
parameters and method names in the report. This list shows what the system
should have run.
Select Logbook for a listing of the analyses the system ran, including
instrument conditions and any unusual events that occurred while the
samples were being analyzed.
Select Methods to list all the analytical methods used in the series of
automated analyses.
Analysis Reports
Select Analysis reports to get individual analysis reports according to the
report style set up for the method.
Individual analytical reports may be printed after each analysis according to
the report style specified for the method in question, in addition to the report
sections specified in Sequence Summary Reporting. See "Sequence Output".
SUILabel Type = Application > Statistics for Calibrated and Sample Runs
Selecting the Statistics cal. runs will produce statistical trend analyses for
calibration samples. Selecting the Statistics sample runs will produce
statistical trend analyses for sample (unknown) analyses. Both selections have
Standard Statistic and Extended Statistic template styles. Extended Statistics