
5) Zero-beat sources to reduce beat note to
<5 percent of PTR (2 Hz).
(This is often accomplished in a non-pulsed
condition since it is very difficult to view
the beat note within the RF pulse, as
observed on the oscilloscope.)
c) Select Continue.
If the Out-of-Lock warning message appears,
verify that the voltage within the RF pulse
“ON” portion is zero volts (observed on the
scope). If phase-lock has been achieved, select
Continue; if phase-lock has not been achieved,
select Re-try. Phase-lock indications include
a flat zero-volt trace (no presence of any
beat note or search signal).
6. When the measurement is complete, print the
results and save the measurement file.
Figure 3-4. Pulsed carrier PLL phase noise measurement of Agilent 83732B
versus 8644B