User`s guide

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5Key Reference
100 N9340A User’s Guide
Activates a second marker at the position of the
first marker. (If no marker is present, two markers
appear at the center of the display). The amplitude
and frequency (or time) of the first marker is
fixed. The marker number is indicated above the
delta marker, and the same number is indicated
with an R (for example, 1R) above the reference
marker. Use the data controls to position the delta
marker. Annotation in the active function block
and in the upper- right corner of the display
indicates the frequency (or time) and amplitude
differences between the two markers. The markers
will be turned off if the scale type is changed
between log and linear.
Key access: [MARKER] > {Delta}
Turns off the active function markers.
Key access: [MARKER] > {Off}
Pressing Delta again moves the reference marker to the active
marker position, so you are allowed to make delta
measurements from differing reference points without having
to turn off the makers and begin again.
The delta marker function permits signal-to-noise
measurements provided the signal is a single spectral
component (sinusoid). Place a normal marker on the signal,
press Delta, place the delta marker in the noise, and activate
Marker Noise. The indicated amplitude indicates