User`s guide

Table Of Contents
6 SCPI Command Reference
136 N9340A User’s Guide
ACPR Subsection
Center Freq
:MEASure:ACPR:CENTer <freq>
Sets the center frequency of the main channel
Main channel
:MEASure:ACPR:MAIN <freq>
Specifies the range of integration used in
calculating the power in the main channel. Use the
knob and the arrow keys to set the bandwidth.
Adjacent channel
:MEASure:ACPR:ADJacent <freq>
Specifies the range of integration used in
calculating the power in the adjacent channel. Use
the knob and the arrow keys to set the bandwidth.
Channel space
:MEASure:ACPR:SPACe <freq>
Sets the space value between the center frequency
of the main channel power and that of the adjacent
channel power.
There are also some remote commands which are
irrelative to the front- panel keys.
Main Channel Power
Returns the main channel power of the ACPR