User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Making Measurements 4
N9340A User’s Guide 73
To Make a Basic Average Power Measurement
You can follow the steps below to make a basic
average power measurement.
1 Press [Preset] to perform a factory preset.
2 Press [Mode] > {Power Meter} to turn on the power
3 Zero and calibrate the meter. Press {Zero} and
then {Calibration} in sequence or press {Zero+Cal}
to make a Zero operation of the power sensor
followed by the Calibration operation.
Key Access: {Zero/Cal} > {Zero+Cal} or {Zero/Cal} >
{Zero} > {Calibration}
4 Connect the power sensor to the power Ref 50
MHz port. The analyzer supports the 2000 Series
power sensors.
5 Connect external attenuation, if required, with
the power sensor used.
6 Connect the analyzer to the base station. Con-
nect the power sensor to the signal port to be
measured. A typical BTS connection is after the
output of the power amplifier and duplexer. The
connection requires a 2 ft. cable and two Type- N
barrel connectors, in addition to the power sen-
sor and external attenuator.
7 Press {Start} to start a measurement.
Figure 23 Connection with base station