User Manual

pace. With experience, the operator will be able to determine the best pace to feed to the work. There
should be some degree of audible slowing of the motor but not bogging in the cut. Correct cutting
speed with a properly sharp annular cutter will produce long unbroken chips, which produce a “bird’s”
nest. shaped bundle of chips around the cut.
NOTE: Always ensure that the cutting tool is sharp. A dull cutter typically will have finer and/or choppy
WARNING: ALWAYS clear chips when there is too much build-up. Excessive chip build-up could result in
a jammed cutter or other hazardous situation.
WARNING: the slug ejects at end of cut and is very hot. Always provide a method of catching the slug,
where the ejected slug may cause injury to people below.
CAUTION: Never attempt to cut half-circles or to stitch drill (drill overlapping holes) with a TCT cutter.
This may destroy the cutter.
CAUTION: Do not leave the magnet on for extended periods of time. This will lead to overheating of the
coils and subsequent early failure. Only turn the magnet on when you are ready to drill and turn back
off when you are done.
Do not leave the magnet base activated continuously for more than 60 minutes.
If the magnet base is overheated, allow it to cool for 30 minutes before continuing.
This machine is not intended for production-line type use.
The Crank Lever is quick-release and adjustable to suit different
operating conditions.
If it is required to mount the crank lever on the opposite side or to
change its position, push the Release Button in the center of the Crank
Hub and remove. Press the Button and mount on the opposite side or
in the desired position.
Crank Lever
Release Button