User's Guide

using an approved glucose meter to
confirm the sensor glucose reading. If
the measurement indicates high blood
glucose, please take medicine or inject
appropriate amount of insulin according
to doctor’s prescription.
Sensor expired
Remove the current glucose sensor and
replace it with a new sensor.
Sensor Error
Check if the current sensor has peeled
off or partially peeled off from the
skin. If yes, please remove the current
sensor and replace it with a new sensor.
If the sensor is still firmly attached to
the skin, but the Sensor Error message
continue to appear for more than 30
minutes, lease remove the current sensor
and replace it with a new sensor.
Other unspecified
Please switch off the PDA and restart it.
If the error message continue to appear,
please contact our customer service.
Using the Built-in Blood Glucose Meter
The built in blood glucose meter uses an chemical reagent (glucose
oxidase, GOD) reaction to detect blood glucose levels. After the test
strip is placed into the test strip port and a blood sample is applied,
the blood automatically wicks into test window. A transient electrical
current is generated, and this current is measured to determine the
correct blood glucose level reading.
1.Blood Sampling
Before testing, first become familiar with how to collect blood and then
choose a clean and dry place to conduct the test.
Important: Prior to testing,
use with either alcohol or soapy water to disinfect the sampling site. Use warm water to increase
blood flow if necessary. Dry your hands and the sampling site, ensuring that there is no soap
residue remaining.