Quick Start Guide

SIP Server and VoIP Phone Integration
Enter the ID and Password
required for the SIP server.
1.2 - ID and Password
Enter the IPv4 Address of the SIP
1.3 - IPv4 Address
Step 1: SIP Server Registration
Click the Update button to store
the settings and continue to the
next step.
1.4 - Update
Getting Started
For SIP server and VoIP phone integration, conguration is needed both within the SIP Server as well as
Support Tool. IX Series stations must be registered within the SIP server and given an extension, and the SIP
server information must also be added to Support Tool. SIP server conguration varies by manufacturer.
Refer to the manufacturer's literature for more information or support.
SIP Server Registration
Enter the network information and ID/Password for the SIP server the IX Series station is registered to.
to check all stations in
the system.
2.2 - Select Stations
Using the Status column conrm, that
each station has received its setting le.
2.4 - Conrm Status
to begin the upload
2.3 - Upload Settings
Step 2: Setting File Upload
From the menu on the left
expand Network Settings, and
select SIP.
1.1 - SIP
2.1 - Upload Settings To Station
From the menu bar, select File then Upload Settings To Station.