Quick Start Guide

14 | IX Quick Start Programming Guide
Partitioning a System
Getting Started
Step 1: Address Book
An IX Series system can be partitioned into smaller groups of stations within a single system by editing
Master Station Address Books, as well as individual Door Station call groups.
Master Station
Click Open Station List to open
the Station List.
1.2 - Open Station List
From the menu on the left, expand
System Information and select
Address book.
1.1 - Address Book
Step 2: Open Station List
By default, all stations within a system are in each Master Station’s Address Book, represented on this page
by a check mark. To remove a station from the Address Book, choose a Master Station and remove the check
mark of a station from its list.
Use the Select drop-down menu to remove
the check mark of each door station you wish
to remove from the Master Station's Address
2.1 - Select
Click the Update button to store the settings
and continue to the next step.
2.2 - Update
Door Station
Step 1: Called Stations
To partition door/sub stations, nd Call Settings on the left-hand menu and select
Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations).
From the menu on the left, expand Call Settings
and select Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations).
1.1 - Called Stations (Door/Sub)
Each Master Station has an address book that, by default, contains the station information for every station that
is part of the system. A station must exist in a Master Station’s address book if the Master Station should be
able to call that station directly, activate a Door Station’s door release, transfer a call to another Master Station,
or any other feature requiring interaction by the Master Station.