User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Airaya – Fast and affordable outdoor wireless bridges
If you see very few or no values
streaming across the screen,
there is probably no traffic going
across the radio link. You can
generate traffic by opening
additional ping windows or FTP
file transfers on your test stations
if you do not have a traffic-
generating program.
The first 20 values displayed on each line represent individual RSSi values; the 21st
represents the average of the first 20 values (e.g.: avg: 19). Focus on obtaining the
highest average values.
The key to achieving optimal throughput and reliable radio communication is to obtain the
highest possible average RSSi values for bridges at BOTH ends of a link. This means you
need to run this utility from both ends of a link to ensure signal strength is good in both
Now that you are familiar with operation of two stations, and if you are testing a
multipoint installation, you can add subscriber units to your test, one at a time. Be sure
to add ONLY the BSU MAC address to each subscriber units’ WirelessGRID bridge list, and
add all subscriber MAC address to the base station’s WirelessGRID bridge list.
Step 6. Field deployment of WirelessGRID bridges
It is a good idea for you to become familiar with the product before installing it for the
first time. AIRAYA recommends you perform a bench test before deploying any units to
the field.
The bench test and verification process can also be performed in the field, but it is
generally much easier to configure the units on the bench before setting them up in the
Changes in field-deployed bridges include but are not limited to the following:
4. IP Addresses to match your network
5. Change the administrative user name and password to prevent un-authorized
access the administrative interfaces
6. Location-specific unique names entries to help in identifying units in the field
7. Encryption enabled if you want your data encrypted as it travels across your new
WirelessGRID system.
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