User's Manual

Profile Tasks
To create a profile for an available network:
Select the Network and click Configure.
The Profile Editor window opens with the SSID, BSSID, Network Type, and Channel fields
already filled in.
Select an authentication method and encryption type. If you select WEP as the encryption type,
enter encryption key information. For information on encryption keys, see Encryption.
OK .
The Profile window closes and the newly created profile appears in the Configured Networks list
in the Client Utility window.
You can edit any profile in the list, including the active one. If you edit and apply the active
profile, the system temporarily drops the network connection while implementing the changes.
When the configuration change is complete, the network connection is restored.
To make a profile active:
Select the profile in the Configured Networks list, and click Apply .
To edit a profile:
Highlight a name in the Configured Networks list and click Edit .
The Profile Editor window opens.
Enter or confirm authentication and encryption type, and enter WEP keys, if appropriate.
OK .
To add a new profile not based on an existing profile or network:
Click Add.
The Profile Editor window opens.
Enter the SSID of the network. The BSSID is determined automatically when your Client
Adapter associates to an access point.
Select the network type. If you select Start Ad-Hoc, enter a radio channel setting for the
network. If you select Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc (for an existing ad-hoc network), the
channel is automatically set.
Select authentication and encryption type, and enter WEP keys, if appropriate.
Click OK.
To delete a profile:
Highlight the profile name and click
Delete .
Click OK when prompted to confirm.
Advanced Profile Settings
The Advanced button to the right of the Profile Name opens the Advanced Profile Settings
window. The settings in this window enable you to take advantage of the enhanced performance
features of the Access Point. It is recommended that you retain the default Auto settings, which
provide compatibility with basic, enhanced data rates, network density, and power usage.
Page 24 of 36 Installation and User Guide: Wireless LAN Client