User's Manual

C External Landing Page API
270 Installation and User Guide: Airgo Access Point
The prefix portion of the URL was formed using the IP address originally passed to the web server
as the gpm field (AP IP address). The URL is protected from modification, spoofing or reuse by the
use of a timestamp and a cryptographic check value. The URL must always have the form:
https://<AP IP Address>/Forms/ExtCmd_html_1?<parameters>
Note that the disconnect request will send the user to a “next page” that can put the users browser
back into the web servers walled garden. The disconnect leaves the station associated, but returns
the station to the unauthenticated state. The HTTP filter in the AP will now redirect any HTTP
traffic back to the configured walled garden. Table 21 lists the parameters.
Upon successfully closing of the AP HTTP filter, the user's browser is redirected back to the web
server to signal a Disconnect Response. This allows the user to be smoothly transitioned from
browsing the Internet back to a known page in the walled garden web. Table 22 lists the parameters
in the URL.
Table 21: Fields in the STA-ELPS-to-AP Disconnect Request
Field Description
Xcmd The command type (connect for this example) For a connect this value
MUST be 'drq'
Xnp The next page to send the Users browser
Xid Optional, the login user id (included in logs)
Xip Optional, not used for the connect command.
Xssid The SSID (required).
Xmac The MAC address of the station that has been authenticated. Required to
specify the station to disconnect.
Xdata Not used for a disconnect command.
Xts A time stamp of the form yymmddhhMM, where yy=year, mm=month,
dd=day, hh=hours, MM=minutes. To be valid, the time value (in UTC)
must be within plus or minus 5 minutes of the AP's time.
Xcv A SHA1 hash using the shared password.
Table 22: Fields in the STA-AP-to-ELPS Disconnect Response
Field Description
Xcmd The command type (connect for this example) For a connect this value
MUST be 'drs'
Xnp The next page to send the Users browser
Xid Optional, the login user id (included in logs)
Xip Optional
Fields in the STA-AP-to-ELPS Disconnect Response, not
used for the connect command.
Xssid The SSID.
Xmac The MAC address of the station that has been authenticated. Required to
specify the station to disconnect.