User's Manual

9 Managing the Network
188 Installation and User Guide: Airgo Access Point
Figure 134: Network Topology - Discovered Radios
The Discovered Radios table contains the following information for each detected device:
Field Description
MAC Address Address that uniquely identifies the detected device.
IP Address IP address of the detected device, if known.
Reporting AP The enrolled AP that reported the device to the NM Portal AP. If this field is
blank, the AP was reported on a previous scan but not the most recent one.
Time Reported The time of the last scan that detected the AP.
Time Discovered The time of day that the presence of the device was discovered by the
reporting AP.
Class Indication of whether the discovered node is just a Radio Neighbor or a Radio
and IP Neighbor. Radio and IP neighbors are part of the internal network and
are reachable by way of IP addressing.
Signal Strength Strength of the detected signal in dBm.
SSID The SSID of the detected device, if known.
Channel ID The channel on which the signal was detected.
BSS Type Whether the detected device is part of an infrastructure or ad-hoc service set.