User's Manual

Item Description
Network Name
If Status is Connected, lists the name of the network to which the Client
Adapter is connected.
Network Type
If Status is Connected, indicates the type (Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc) of network
If Status is Connected, indicates the security method used to authenticate this
client to the network.
If Status is Connected, indicates the security method used to encrypt
information transmitted and received by this client.
Channel If Status is Connected, lists the radio channel used for this connection.
Max Transmit
If Status is Connected, indicates the current transmit rate in megabits per
second (Mbps) for this connection.
AP Beacon
If Status is Connected, lists the name of the AP transmitted in Beacon frames,
if name is supported by the AP, to which the Client Adapter is connected, when
the Network Type is Infrastructure. For an ad-hoc network type, this field will
always be blank.
AP Radio MAC
If Status is Connected, lists the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the
WLAN device to which the Client Adapter is associated.
IP Address
If Status is Connected and an Internet Protocol (IP) address has been assigned
either dynamically by a DHCP server or statically by manual input, the IP
address is listed here in dotted decimal format.
Signal Strength
If Status is Connected, the strength of the wireless connection is shown in
decibels per meter (dBm) where the more negative the number, the lower the
signal strength (power of the radio signal).
In addition to the Status tab, there is a tab for viewing available wireless networks (Networks
tab), for creating profiles (Profiles tab) for association to networks that are commonly accessed
by the client adapter, and for determining the health and performance of the current connection
(Diagnostics tab).
In addition to the four selection tabs, there are four buttons: Radio, Auto-Connect, WZC and
Help. These buttons are toggles for the functions they affect.
Radio The Radio button toggles the state of the radio from on to off or off to on. The
transition from on to off and off to on requires a few seconds. The color change in
the Radio button will indicate the transition as follows:
The Radio is in the ON state.
The Radio is in the OFF state.
Page 20 of 46 Installation and User Guide: Wireless LAN Client