User's Manual

Setting Parameter Value
Parameter values are set by typing the full parameter string and its
value to the command line. E.g. setting the associated network’s
name (SSID) to “test-wlan” and saving it to tag’s permanent memory:
wlan ssid ”test-wlan”<Enter>
tag[00001](unsaved)# save<Enter>
Any unsaved changes will be lost during the next tag sleep or power-
off period. Successful execution gives no feedback to the user.
Most text parameters such as
SSID and Engine password can be set
without double quotes (“ “) if the text does not contain empty spaces.
key however always requires the double quotes, when typed in
as plain text. The text itself cannot contain double quotes (“).
Displaying Parameter Value
Parameter values are displayed by typing the full parameter name
string to the command line. E.g. displaying the motion scan rate:
motion scan rate<Enter>
motion scan rate = 2 seconds
Error Messages
If the user enters an invalid command, one of the two error messages
may appear:
Parameter name not valid
Invalid parameter value
E.g. setting an invalid parameter value
periodic scan interval -1
Error: Invalid parameter value