User's Manual

Notice of Warranty Claims
The End User must contact Ekahau promptly if he/she has a valid
warranty claim with respect to the Tags. To be valid, the claim must
be made within two hundred (200) days of shipment or other delivery
to the End User. The contact must be made to Ekahau customer
support and must contain a detailed written description of the
suspected claim/malfunction, the date of purchase, and the serial
numbers of the Tags. Ekahau customer support email address is
The End User shall cooperate with Ekahau in providing such
additional information as may be required for Ekahau to investigate
whether the user has a valid warranty claim, including shipping the
Tags back to Ekahau, if so requested.
The End User agrees that he/she shall return, or contact Ekahau
regarding, warranty claims for a minimum of 10 Tags at one time.
Ekahau shall not have any obligation to handle warranty claims for a
shipment or a call relating to less than 10 Tags at one time.