User`s manual

5.3 Rule
Default Rule
MIS engineer can make the default IM rule for MSN, Yahoo, ICQ and QQ. When IAR-5000 detects new
IM account and it will put the new account in Default Rule. On the other hand, MIS engineer can
separately set the IM rule for every IM account in Account Rule, and the IM account will not affected by
Default Rule.
Default Rule (For MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, QQ, Skype and Web Mail.)
Accept Always
Everyone can freely use the IM account.
Accept : Authentication passed / Drop : Authentication failed
User must to pass the authentication first then he/she can use the IM account.
Drop : Always
No one can use the IM account.
MSN Special Default Rule
IAR-5000 can not record the encrypted MSN contents. MIS engineer can choose to block the MSN
encrypted contents.
Types of MSN Rule
Accept : MSN Message not encrypted / Drop : MSN Message encrypted
Anyone can freely use MSN by normal way to send message.
IAR-5000 will block MSN while user send message by encrypt MSN message.
Accept : Authentication passed and MSN Message not encrypted /
Drop: Authentication failed or MSN Message encrypted
User can use MSN only if the MSN account passed authentication and MSN message not
IAR-5000 will block the MSN if MSN not passed authentication or even though MSN passed
authentication but its contents encrypted.