
6. Command Line Interface
AirLive WHA-5500CPE-NT Users Manual
6.6 Add/Delete Commands
Commands to add or delete settings
( add/delete ): add mac filter < Mnemonics Name> <MAC address,
Purpose: to add an entry to the MAC address filter
Command> add mac filter aaa 00-4f-62-24-12-34
/etc/wlan/ap_service: 17: uname: not found
killall: wpa_supplicant: no process killed
/etc/wlan/ap_service: 17: uname: not found
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
<mapping sub-ioctl turbo to cmd 0x8BE0-1>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_installmode to cmd 0x8BE0-75>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_threslower to cmd 0x8BE0-76>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_threslow to cmd 0x8BE0-77>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_thresbetter to cmd 0x8BE0-78>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_thresbest to cmd 0x8BE0-79>
<mapping sub-ioctl maccmd to cmd 0x8BE0-17>
<mapping sub-ioctl authmode to cmd 0x8BE0-3>
<mapping sub-ioctl cwmin to cmd 0x8BE3-1>
<mapping sub-ioctl cwmax to cmd 0x8BE3-2>
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
mac filter aaa(00-4F-62-24-12-34) is added
delete mac filter < Mnemonics Name>
Purpose: to delete a mac filter entry
Command> delete mac filter aaa
/etc/wlan/ap_service: 17: uname: not found
killall: wpa_supplicant: no process killed
/etc/wlan/ap_service: 17: uname: not found
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-LSDK-
<mapping sub-ioctl turbo to cmd 0x8BE0-1>
<mapping sub-ioctl set_installmode to cmd 0x8BE0-75>