Technical Specs

Table Of Contents
Electrical Specifications
Rev 3 Oct.20 19 41113694
Figure 2-3: Expanded RF (Receive/GNSS) Block Diagram
Host Interface Pin Assignments
The EM7411 host I/O connector provides pins for power, serial communications, and
control. Pin assignments are listed in Table 2-1.
Refer to the following tables for pin details based on interface types:
Table 2-2, Power and Ground Specifications, on page 24
Table 2-3, USB Interfaces, on page 24
Table 2-4, SIM Interface Signals, on page 26
Table 2-5, Module Control Signals, on page 29
Note: On any given interface (USB, SIM, etc.), leave unused inputs and outputs as no-connects.
Note: The host should not drive any signals to the module until >100 ms from the start of the
power-on sequence.