User's Guide

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May 28, 2019
The Wireless GroundLink Quick Access Recorder has many features which
enable it to fit into almost any aircraft infrastructure.
Aircraft Signaling
The WQAR can support two different aircraft signaling types: Bi-Polar and
Harvard Bi-Phase. Either one of these signal types can be entered in the
configuration. However, if the WQAR is moved between multiple aircraft
where both BI-PHASE and BI-POLAR are used alternatively, the unit can be
put into signal DISCRETE mode where, during bootup, it monitors the BI-
PHASE SELECT discrete. If this discrete is active, the WQAR will set itself to BI-
PHASE. If this discrete is not active or not present in the aircraft, the WQAR
will set itself to BI-POLAR. After determining the signal, it will determine the
speed of the signal using the methods described below:
The standard hard-coded 64, 128, 256, 384,512, 1024, and
2048 WPS rates can be configured.
AUTO speed mode where it dynamically determines the
WPS rate of the signal as it is coming in.
Speed DISCRETE mode where, during WQAR bootup, it
determines the speed by monitoring speed discretes
activated by the acquisition unit. These discretes are
generally known as the X2, X4, X8, X16, and X32 discretes.
The aircraft wiring of these discretes varies by aircraft type.
The acquisition unit may activate any one of these to
indicate the speed of the ARINC717 data stream.