User`s guide

(C) 2003 Airscanner Corp.
Software-specific FAQ:
Is my network card supported?
Airscanner™ Mobile Sniffer supports all known wireless networking cards and integrated WiFi
such as the Toshiba e740 series -- and even the flawed IPAQ 5450 series to some extent (use the
fix below to correct the reported problems in the 5450 hardware). They key is to select the
correct adapter at program start-up. Please check with your device manufacturer to find out
what the appropriate driver name for your card is. Note certain footnotes and exceptions to this
as described below.
Does your product work with the IPAQ 5450 series?
Latest Update: HP has partially fixed their 5450 wireless hardware problem in a later ROM
release (1.11.19 ROM). If you download this fixed version of the ROM or later from HP, you
will be able to view packets non-promiscuously by choosing the correct adapter (vnetusba1),
without having to perform the registry hack listed below. However, you will need to reset your
device for each new capture session. Hopefully HP will continue to work on their bug in the
5450 series drivers. Thanks to Benjamin Bolton for this update.
Yes, it works with the 5450 series. Part of the problem is mistakes from your device
In the meantime, Sgyee, a reviewer for PDAJunkie.NET, offers this hack on how
to get the sniffer working on the IPAQ 5450:
1) Load the ROM Update
2) Load the WLAN update over the ROM update
3) Perform the VNETMINI1 registry patch (see below)
4) Load AirScanner Mobile Sniffer
5) Turn off promiscuous mode.
How to perform the VNETMINI1 registry patch:
To fix HP’s error in order to enable your WLAN card so programs like Airscanner Mobile
Sniffer can see it, use a CE registry editor to go to
Then delete the Multi-String Value Route and enter a new Multi-String Value Route with the
value of vnetmini1.
See “How to Hack your 5455 to fix the things HP broke” Forum post by David Hettel, Feb. 18,