Installation Guide

AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide
Page 42 Commercial in Confidence SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41
Figure 51 Connect the red and black d.c. power wires into the terminal strip
6.3.2 Connect the red and black d.c. power wires to the correct positions in the 3-way terminal strip.
(In the positions where the colour line up with the pre-fitted red and black wires. Use a small blade
screw driver to tighten the connections. Re-check that all other screw terminals connections on the 3-
way terminal strip are tight.
6.4 Physical fixing of the PoE injector box and PSU modules
6.4.1 With the internal wiring complete the PoE box can be screwed into final position using the 2 self
tapping screws provided into a suitable wooden or insulated backing board. The fixing screws go into
the 2 holes within the body of the PoE injector box and must be fitted before assembling the top
Figure 52 The wired PoE injector box can be screwed into position