User Manual

AS4000 Central Terminal
Installation and Commissioning
Issue 1.3dr Date 7/02/00
Page 2 of 6
b) Upon successful installation, the code acceptedtone is heard in the handset receiver,
consisting of 1400 Hz pulses for 1 sec on; 1 sec off, for 5 seconds. For a failed
installation, an incorrect codetone shall be heard in the handset receiver, which consists
of 1400 Hz pulses for less than 1 sec on, and less than 1 sec off, for 5 seconds. If the ST
fails to accept the programming code after a second attempt, confirm with the network
planning staff that the correct code is being used. Should the ST still fail to accept the
code, the ST will need to be replaced.
c) Depress the reset switch, (Type2 SW4, Type 4 SW2); The CRU will reset and re-boot
itself in accordance with the programming code entered.
d) Should the above sequence not be successfully executed, replace the faulty ST.