User Manual

AS8100 Sitespan User Guide Version 3.7
GSI 005
Draft Issue 6.0. Date 4/4/00
Page 19 of 305 © 2000 Airspan Communications Ltd
Hardware Installation
a) The Sitespan Equipment View and the Server need to be installed and
commissioned in order to configure the Central Terminal, set up the system, and to
connect subscribers.
b) Check that the necessary items are to hand to install the Sitespan See GSI-006
Hardware Preparation.
c) Install the Sitespan Server PC. The Sitespan Server is responsible for managing all
equipment racks at a given Site. In particular, it records any alarms flagged by the
equipment and maintains a database and log file of the changes in the equipment
state over time. On its own the Sitespan Server application simply manages its
connected equipment and has no way of accepting user commands and of
displaying equipment status in a graphical form. Instead, these functions are
provided by the Sitespan Equipment View. See GSI-007 Install Sitespan Server.
d) Install the Central Terminal Interfaces. These interfaces allow the server to
communicate to the AS4000 equipment racks using the native languages of the
connected equipment. Commands are Draft Issued and the responses received are
translated by the server into Sitespan status messages. See GSI-008/9 Installing
AS4000 Central Terminal Interfaces
e) Install a Modem on the Server PC if it is to be interrogated from a remote
Equipment View Machine. Additional modems will need to be installed for each
anticipated simultaneous connection to the server. The modem allows data from the
server to pass over the network and should be installed as per the manufacturers
f) Install the Equipment View PC if different from the Server PC. The Equipment
View and the Server need not necessarily be located in the same machine and a
separate machine may be designated to run the Equipment View either over a fixed
network connection or via a dial-up link.
If the Equipment View is to be located at a remote site, and the sites are not
connected by a fixed network, dial-up links need to be provided.. A Modem is
installed on the Equipment View PC for each simultaneous connection to a Server.
The Modem should be installed using the manufactures installation instructions.
g) For some installations both the Server and the Equipment View PCs will require a
Hardware Key to be attached to a parallel port to authorise the use of the software.
Software Installation
a) Ensure that the Remote Access (RAS) Software is installed. on the Server and the
Equipment View machines. The Sitespan Software is dependent upon the RAS to
allow Windows NT to make connections between machines. See GSI-010.
b) Install Sitespan Software at Server and Equipment View Machines. Both are
installed on a machine performing both functions. See GSI-011 Software
c) To ensure system security and each remote Equipment View Machine will need to
be registered with the Server. This is done at the server PC, set up User Accounts