User Manual

AS8100 Sitespan User Guide Version 3.7
DLP 061
Draft Issue 6.0 Date 4/4/00
Page 196 of 305
5. Select the hardware configuration by selecting the Shelf, (the field may be dropped by
clicking the mouse on the ê) Modem and Line number. If the modem / line is already
in use then the Sitespan displays a message, select a new modem / line.
6. Enter the Subscribed Services by clicking the mouse on the boxes next to the service.
When a service is selected a þ is shown. Use the scroll bar to view other services.
The services available are:
Advice of Charge
Call Forwarding Unconditional
Calling Line Id Presentation
Calling Line Id Restriction
Closed User Group
Call waiting
Call Hold
Sub Addressing
Terminal Portability
User to User Signaling
7. Click x In Barring and Out Barring if required
8. Set the customers active by clicking in the circuit activation box (o). A x shows that
the subscriber is in service.
9. Click OK to initiate the creation of the subscriber. The Network [Subscribers]
window shows the configuration details.
When a subscribed service is selected the subscribed service is also applied to the
other line on the modem. A message appears on the screen to show that this is the
case. Click yes to apply to both lines, or no to leave both lines unchanged and return
to the subscriber Editor.