User Manual

AS8100Sitespan User Guide Version 3.7
GSI 015
Draft Issue 6.0. Date 4/4/00
Page 53 of 305
option will be displayed as Rack Properties. This option will change depending
on which equipment view in the hierarchy is selected to be current with the
mouse. The Sitespan equipment hierarchy is as follows:
Server View
Site View
Rack View
Shelf View
Card View
History View
Object List View
Child This context sensitive option allows the properties of the child of the
current equipment element to be viewed and edited. This option will vary
depending on which equipment selected in the hierarchy is selected to be current.
Create Child Element This allows the creation of a child element, i.e. a shelf
when in the rack view.
Delete Element Deletes the selected element from the server database.
Receiving Attention This command allows an active alarm in a object list view
or a card view to be acknowledged and effects a state change to clear the alarm.
Create Server. Allows the user to create an unconnected Server end point record
in the server window.
Connect Server Allows the user to connect to a server that has been created with
the Create Server command.
Disconnect Server This option allows the user to disconnect the equipment view
from a selected server.
View Menu
The View Menu allows the user to access any of the display window types available in
Sitespan and create new types.