User Manual

AS8100Sitespan User Guide Version 3.7
GSI 015
Draft Issue 6.0. Date 4/4/00
Page 55 of 305
Colours This menu option is used to select the default colours for alarm
conditions and card states.
Options Selecting this item gives the user the ability to modify the selections
offered when Sitespan prompts for frequencies and call tariff.
Subscriber Creator Wizard This tool creates a full shelf of subscribers.
Windows Menu
The Windows Menu allows the user to change the presentation of windows and lists the
open files.
Cascade This places the open windows in a cascade on the screen with the active
window at the front.
Tile This palaces the windows in a tile formation on the screen.
Arrange Icons This places the icons in a neat line or array depending on the
shape of the window.
1 2 3 Open Files. This lists the objects that are open and a ü will appear next
to the active object.
Help Menu
The Help Menu provides information on using Sitespan and the version number
Index This index displays help items.
About Sitespan Selecting this menu item shows the version of Sitespan in use.