User Manual

AS4000 Wireless Local Loop
System Overview GSI 004
Issue 1.2 Date 7/4/99
Page 1 of 6 © Copyright Airspan Communications Corporation 1999
There are two systems available for managing the AS4000 System. AS8100 Sitespan and AS8300
Element Manager
1 AS8100 Sitespan
AS8100 Sitespan can manage a range of ACC products (AS4000, Multiline, and Litespan)
and is designed to allow the management of these from a central location.
AS8100 Sitespan uses two distinct management elements, a Server to manage the
equipment racks, and an Equipment View to provide user access. Both use a 133 MHz
Pentium PC with 16Mbytes of Ram using a Windows NT operating system.
The Server and an Equipment View may run in the same PC or alternatively the Equipment
View is set remote from the Server and gains access over a network link.
A Server manages the AS4000 rack regardless of whether any equipment views are
connected to it. All operations and alarms are written into a transaction file located in the
server machine maintaining a complete record of status. Any Equipment View PC that
connects is up loaded with this status.
The Equipment View PC can connect to a number of Server PCs at the same time.
A number of Equipment View PCs can connect to the Server PC at the same time, each
Equipment View using secure password access.
Each connected Equipment View is updated in real time reflecting the consequences of any
changes initiated by other Equipment Views.
Physical Connections. Each Central Terminal Equipment Rack Modem Shelf Controller is
connected to the server PC via a single RS232 cable. A 9 or 25 way D-Type connects to the
serial port of the PC and a 25 way D-Type connects to the Modem Shelf. Alternatively a
PC card (e.g. Rocket Port, Digiboard ) can be used to allow a number of Shelf Controllers
to access a single serial port.
The Server PC is connects to a remote Equipment View PC using either,
a) Dial-up Modem Link or
b) Fixed Link or
c) X.25 Packet Switch Network