User Manual

AS4000 Access Concentrator
Installation and Commissioning
DLP 003
Issue 1.2dr Date 7/02/00
Page 7 of 8
7. 2Mbit/s Cabling (Switch Link)
From the site survey, confirm the location of the Digital Distribution Frame (DDF) if a
DDF is to be used or the Switch if the 2Mbit/s feeds are fed direct to the equipment.
The length of 2Mbit/s feeds should not exceed 250 metres.
Note: This must be a SELV port of an EN 60950 approved product.
Run the 2Mbit/s cables from the AC shelf to the allocated positions on the DDF. In
partial equipped installations it may be appropriate to run enough cables to cater for a
complete rack of equipment. This reduces the need to disturb original installation when
adding additional equipment.
Feed the 2Mbit/s cables through the top hole on the most convenient side of the rack,
and down the front of the rack.
Identify and label each cable at both ends as well as the DDF/Backhaul positions.
Terminate all cables with either BNC co-axial connectors (75) or 25 pin D-type
connectors (120) according to the tables below.
Pair Designation Pin
A5 In 1
B5 In 2
Screen 14
A6 In 4
B6 In 5
Screen 17
A7 In 7
B7 In 8
Screen 20
A8 In 10
B8 In 11
Screen 23
A5 Out 15
B5 Out 16
Screen 3
A6 Out 18
B6 Out 19
Screen 6
A7 Out 21
B7 Out 22
Screen 9
A8 Out 24
B8 Out 25
Screen 12
Overall Screen 13