User Manual

AS4000 Access Concentrator
Installation and Commissioning
DLP 005
Issue 1.2dr Date 7/02/00
Page 1 of 4 © Copyright Airspan Communications Corporation 2000
This section sets up the parameters for the system and the connection to Sitespan.
Refer to the Sitespan, document no. 605-0000-428 for the detailed configuration and
set up procedures of the AS4000 System.
1. General
The following procedures need to be carried out in order to verify the functionality and
operation of all cards fitted into the Access Concentrator prior to placing the AS4000
system into service.
If during testing, a fault occurs preventing the continuation of the test, the faulty
module or card should be replaced and the test repeated for the card and all tests that
are affected by the performance of that card.
All results must be entered on the Commissioning Test Result Sheet (DLP-014). Test
forms should be photocopied as needed, ensure that sufficient copies of all sheets are
available prior to the commencement of commissioning tests.
2. Card Provision for New Installation
Switch the Access Concentrator Rack ON by placing both breakers up and wait for the
system to complete the power-up self test sequence successfully. The two breakers
duplicate power to each shelf and the shelves will still function if one power supply
fails though the LED indicators on the power supplies will not be on.
Using the DMM check that the DC voltage supply across the input terminals (TB1(-);
TB2+;.for Supply 1 and TB4(-); TB5(+) for supply 2). Ensure that the voltage
measured complies with the site nominal voltage and is within the limits specified on
the test results sheet.