User Manual

AS4000 Release3 and Release 4 Central
Terminal Installation and Commissioning
Issue 1.3a Date 18th October 1999
Page 6 of 8
6. Setting Of RX Gain Control.
a) On Sitespan, select the Analogue/RF card window to set the Receiver Gain control
voltage in the RF Gain Adjust box. Click on the UP or DOWN buttons to set the
gain control voltage to 1.4 Volts.
Figure 43. RF Gain Settings
b) Ensure that the Test CRU has acquired a RF link. The RF link has acquired when
the Red, RF Link Fail LED is extinguished on the respective modem under test and
the small amber LEDs on the modem board are on.
c) If using a Voice CRU take the test phone off hook to achieve correct power levels.
A Data CRU automatically acquires at high rate.
d) If using a Voice CRU it may not be possible to maintain off hook conditions due to
the system timing the phones out so the off hook condition must be simulated
Using the Sitespan as follows:
Connect Sitespan to the modem shelf and configure the database.
Select the Analogue card view, reduce in size and move to the corner of the
screen so that the receiver gain adjustment may be manipulated
Open Subscriber View from the View option.
Ensure that the subscriber database is created for the installed Modems.
Use the cursor to highlight the subscriber line for simulated off hook.
Once the subscriber line is highlighted, use the cursor to select Test View
under the View option.
With the Test View opened, point and click the Reserved Line button. If the
line is in idle state the test menu will be displayed.
From the test menu, point and click ST Loopback button.
Select the loopback direction as Towards Network and check TU through
path on timeslot 1 and 2.