User Manual

AS4000 Release3 and Release 4 Central
Terminal Installation and Commissioning
Issue 1.3a Date 18th October 1999
Page 4 of 4
2. 2Mbit/s Cabling 120 Twisted Pair
From the site survey, confirm the location of the Digital Distribution Frame (DDF).
The length of 2Mbit/s feeds from the rack to the DDF should not exceed 250 metres
Note: This must be a SELV port of an EN 60950 approved product.
Run the 2Mbit/s twisted pair cables from the modem shelf to the allocated positions on
the DDF. (Two cables per shelf if using screen twisted pair or one cable if using
screened four wire). In partial equipped installations it may be appropriate to run
enough cables to cater for a complete rack of equipment. Identify and label each cable
at both ends as well as the DDF positions.
Feed the cables through the top of the rack, out through the hole in the right hand side
of the top shelf and down the front of the rack. Tie in cables as necessary using
suitable cable ties, trim, leaving no sharp edges. Fit Ferrites to each cable at the point
of entry to the shelf. Secure a tie wrap each side of the ferrite to keep it in place.
Terminate cables on 9 Way D-Type 2Mbit/s Out 6 & 7, 2Mbit/s In 2 & 3, Screen on 5
& 9. See Figure 17.
9 Way Male (120
2Mbit/s In
2Mbit/s Out
Screen if two cables
Figure 17. 120 balanced connections
For 120 balanced operation JP5, JP6 and JP7 should be removed. See Figure 16
3. Channel Bank
Should there be no 2Mbit/s interface available, the Channel Bank will be installed to
interface between the analogue lines of the exchange equipment and the Modem Shelf
in order to provide the required 2Mbit/s traffic link for the AS4000 System.
The 2Mbit/s IN and 2Mbit/s OUT ports on the Modem Shelf are then connected to the
respective 2Mbit/s IN and 2Mbit/s OUT connections on the Channel Bank. Configure
and set the required parameters in the Channel Bank according to the instruction in the
manufacturers manual.