User Manual

AS4000 Release3 and Release 4 Central
Terminal Installation and Commissioning
Issue 1.3a Date 18th October 1999
Page 2 of 8
Table 10. RF Combiner Shelf Monitor Card 1 LED Indications.
Power Amplifier[PA]
Cct. Des.* Colour Description Status
Amber Power/Module Status OK ON
Red Power Fault/PA Module 1 Fault OFF
Red Power Fault/PA Module 2 Fault OFF
Table 11. RF Combiner Shelf PA Card LED Indications.
* PA 2 is inserted inverted and the alarm indicators are also inverted
Power Supply Unit [PSU]
Cct. Des. Colour Description Status
Amber Power OK ON
Red Power Fail OFF
Table 12. RF Combiner Shelf PSU Card LED Indications.
Modem Shelf
Shelf Controller [SC] (If fitted)
Cct. Des. Colour Description Status
D23 Red Power Fault, or Self Test Fault or Sitespan
not connected.
D24 Amber Power/Module Status OK ON
Table 13. Modem Shelf Controller Card LED Indications.
Note: In normal operation the Sitespan not connected (Red) LED will be flashing
every 10 seconds at any time that the card is not sending or receiving data from the
Sitespan. The LED will be extinguished when the Sitespan is polling i.e. for about 30
seconds in a 10 minute cycle
Tributary Card [TU]
Cct. Des. Colour Description Status
D1 Red TU Fail Tx AIS Output OFF
D2 Amber No Function OFF
D3 Red Incoming 2Mbit/s Fault ON
D4 Amber RX AIS detected OFF
D7 Red Loss of Frame Alignment ON
D8 Red Outgoing 2Mbit/s Loss OFF
D5 Red No Function OFF
D6 Red Incoming Signal to AS4000 not present ON
Table 14. Modem Shelf Tributary Unit Card LED Indications.
Analogue Card [AU]
Cct. Des. Colour Description Status
D5 Red Power Fault, or Self Test Fault OFF
D6 Amber Power/Module Status OK ON
Table 15. Modem Shelf Analogue Card LED Indications.