User's Manual

Radio Site Planning Hardware Installation Guide
5-4 Airspan Networks Inc. 02030311-10
5.3. Multipath Fading
Some of the transmitted signals may be reflected from a nearby building, by water
under the signal path, or from any other reflectors. This reflected ("bounced") signal
can then be received by the radio receiving the signal and superimposed on the main
received signal, thereby degrading the signal strength.
To avoid multipath fading, for example, from nearby buildings, Airspan
recommends installing the outdoor radios at the rear end of the buildings instead of
at the front. In this installation setup, the front-end of the building blocks incoming
signals from multipath reflections.
Figure 5-2: Radios mounted at rear, blocking multipath reflection
5.4. Spectrum Analysis for Locating Clear
Before setting up your wireless link between Base Station and subscribers, Airspan
recommends (especially in unlicensed bands), analyzing the RF spectrum at the
Base Station to select only clear frequency channels (i.e. without interferences) for
building a frequency table for wireless communication between Base Station and