User's Manual Chapter 2

Hardware Installation Guide Safety Guidelines
02030311-06 Airspan Networks Ltd. 2-7
! Cable routes are to be defined in the site-specific documentation.
! Data and DC power cables running parallel to AC power cables shall be
separated by a minimum distance of 200 mm. However, it is permissible to
allow these cables to cross each other at right angles.
! Observe recommended minimum bend radii when installing copper cables.
Wherever a cable changes direction, ensure that it does so in a smooth curve
with a radius of at least 50 mm to prevent damage.
! Plastic ties and wraps are to be used to secure cables to trays and guides. Ensure
all trimmed ends are disposed of safely and at regular intervals.
! Data cables of less than 20 pair shall be mixed in bundles not exceeding 50 mm
in diameter.
! Ensure cables are not trapped in cabinet doors, by slide-in equipment or support
! Excessive stress on cable terminations caused by taught cables should be
avoided. Connector strain relief, if not built into the connector used, shall be
provided by means of a strategically located cable tie.
! A maintenance loop or a generous amount of cable slack shall be provided to
allow for equipment removal without disturbance to adjacent cables.
! Cables run in guides or on trays shall be kept as flat as possible and secured at
regular intervals using cable ties.
Note: Prior to the commencement of any installation, commissioning work at
‘live’ sites it is the responsibility of the Airspan engineer to advise the
customers representative before any activity commences. If in doubt assume
equipment is ‘live’.
Warning: Disturbance of cables on an In-Service exchange can cause loss o
service. Extreme care must be taken when installing cables at any customer o
subscriber premises.