User's Manual

AW 96 Series System Installation Manual
AirWalk Proprietary and Confidential Page 61 of 72 6/14/2006
Acronym Description
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part
EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
ESN Electronic Serial Number
EVDO Evolution Data Only
EVDV Evolution Data and Voice
EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate CODEC
FA Frequency Assignment
FCC Federal Communications Commission
F-CCH Forward Common Control Channel
FCH Fundamental Channel
F-DCCH Forward Dedicated Control Channel
FDCH Forward Dedicated Signaling Logical Channel
FER Frame Error Rate
FM Fault Management
FO Frame Offset
One or more code channels used to transport user and signaling traffic from the
base station to the mobile station.
FSCH Forward Common Signaling Logical Channel
GND Ground
GPS Global Positioning System
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HLR Home Location Register
HO Handoff
HPAU High Power Amplifier Unit
IF Intermediate Frequency
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
ING Inter Network Gateway
IOS Interoperability System
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Inter Processor Communication
LAC Link Access Control.
Entity that provides assured mode or unassured mode delivery of information
across the air interface between the mobile station and the base station.
LPA Linear Power Amplifier
LTU Logical Transmission Unit
One or more Type 3 or Type 5 MuxPDUs with a 16bit CRC.
MAC Medium Access Control
Entity that controls the access to and from Upper Layer Signaling, Data Services
and Voice Services to Physical Layer resources.
MAHHO Mobile Assisted Hard Hand Off
MCC Main Call Control module in IP-BSC
MG Media Gateway
MIMO Multi Input Multi Output
MIN Mobile Identification Number
MMC Man-Machine Command
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
MN Mobile Node