User's Manual

Table Of Contents
OneRAN Pilot Station System Installation Manual
AirWalk Proprietary and Confidential Page 40 of 49
Acronym Description
MTBF Mean Time between Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
NDSS Network Directed System Selection
NGN Next Generation Networks
NMS Network Management System
OAM Operation, Administration, and Maintenance
OCNS Orthogonal channel Noise Simulator
OS Operating System
OTD Orthogonal Transmit Diversity
OUNS Other User Noise Source
PACA Priority Access Channel Assignment
A code channel in a Forward CDMA Channel used for transmission of control
information and pages from a base station to a mobile station
PBA Printed Board Assembly
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCF Packet Control Function in IP-BSC
PCH Paging Channel
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCPM Primary BSC Call Processing Board
PDSN Packet Data Serving Node
PDU Protocol Data Unit. An atomic set of data, header information, and control
information that are provided by a service user to a service provider.
PER Packet Error Rate
Radio transmission link
An un-modulated, direct-sequence spread spectrum signal transmitted by a
CDMA base station or mobile station. A pilot channel provides a phase
reference for coherent demodulation and may provide a means for signal
strength comparisons between base stations for determining when to handoff.
PLD Program Loaded Data
PN Pseudo Noise
PSA Power Supply Assembly
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
QCELP Qualcomm Code Excited Linear Prediction
QOF Quasi-Orthogonal Function
QOF Quasi Orthogonal Function
QoS Quality of Service
RAN Radio Access network
RC Radio Configuration
RCC Radio interface Call Control
RDCH Reverse Dedicated Signaling Logical Channel
A traffic channel on which data and signaling are transmitted from a mobile
station to a base station. The Reverse Traffic Channel is composed of up to one
Reverse Dedicated Control Channel, up to one Reverse Fundamental Channel,
zero to two Reverse Supplemental Channels, and zero to seven Reverse
Supplemental Code Channels.
RF Radio Frequency
RLC Release Complete