User's Manual

KDC User Manual
Revision 3.05.R6
Copyright ® 2014, KoamTac, Inc.
NOTE: This Suffix option is different from the Suffix option in KTSync
which appends the suffix to data during synchronization.
NOTE: User can also define suffix by scanning characters defined in
Appendix C.27 ~ C.28(KDC350L) Appendix D.27 ~ D.28(KDC350C)
between following special barcodes
Suffix Enter Start
Prefix/Suffix Enter Finish
NOTE: User can also delete or display current suffix by scanning following
special barcodes
Delete Suffix
Display Suffix
AIM ID - Allows you to add AIM ID to scanned data which can then be stored
in KDC or wedged to the host. AIM ID must be defined in data format menu
of KTSync. AIM ID is either added to the end of Prefix or Suffix.
Partial Data: Allows you to store and/or transfer partial data. User defines the