User's Manual

KDC User Manual
Revision 3.05.R6
Copyright ® 2014, KoamTac, Inc.
Enable Wedge (Handheld Scanner Mode) -
This option will be checked if Wedge
Only or Wedge & Store option is selected.
Keep Scan Data in KDC -
This option will be checked if Store Only or Wedge &
Store option is selected.
5.3.4 Synchronization Options
Synchronize KDC Time with PC Time when Connected
This option enables you to synchronize the KDC date and time with the host date and
time. Synchronization of date and time occurs after the data is uploaded to the host
You can set transmission delays between barcodes and characters during the
synchronization process. It is important to set proper delays to prevent errors during the
transmission of collected barcodes. Some Windows applications such as Excel require
longer delay times.
Timestamp, Barcode Type, and Serial Number can be attached to the scanned barcode
by selecting these options. The Serial Number of the KDC can be attached to the Start
or End of Record.
Prefix and Suffix
Enter the characters you want appended to the front (Prefix) or back (Suffix) of the
barcode in the Prefix and Suffix fields.
The character set is any combination of ASCII characters including alphanumeric,
line feed (“\n”), and carriage return (“\r”).
Order and Delimiter
Select Order of Data Type, Data, and Timestamp
Select the Delimiter between Data Tab, Space, Comma, and Semicolon
Select the Delimiter between Records None, LF, CR, Tab, and <LF & CR>
5.3.5 Application Options
Synchronize Non-Compliant Data
The KDC will synchronize both compliant and non-compliant data (filtered data) if
Synchronize Non-Compliant Data option is Enabled.
Consolidate Steps in One Record
KTSync will consolidate the data collected in Step 1 with the data collected in Step 2
and/or Step 3. Data will be consolidated into one record instead of individual data