User's Manual

KDC User Manual
Revision 3.05.R6
Copyright ® 2014, KoamTac, Inc.
KDC to display database results with or without scanned barcode data.
3. KDC can display a message from Host enabling two way communications and a
messaging application.
Q: Does KoamTac provide customization services for the KDC?
A: Yes. Custom applications or projects can be developed by KoamTac engineers. This
service is provided for an additional fee to KoamTac. For more information regarding
this service, please contact KoamTac.
Q: Can a partner develop a PC or Smartphone application for the KDC?
A: A software development kit for Windows
XP/Vista/7/Mobile5.0+, Android is available
on KoamTac support page. Android
, iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, Blackberry
, and Mac
SDK are available through KoamTac authorized distributors.