User's Manual

Revision 1.0
Copyright®2012-2015, KOAMTAC, Inc.
2. Touch NFC tag to the NFC antenna symbol on the front case, and make sure
the tag and case are within 4cm of each other.
3. The KDC500 will send the NFC tag UID to the paired host application and the
user will hear a short beep if it has been read successfully.
Read Magnetic-Stripe Card
1. The paired host application sends a command to enable the MS Card Reader.
2. Swipe MS Card either top to bottom or bottom to top. Make sure the magnetic
stripe of the card face to the KDC500.
3. The KDC500 will send the MS card data to the paired host application and the
user will hear a short beep if it has been read successfully.
Read IC Card
1. The paired host application sends a command to enable the IC Card Reader.
2. Insert IC Card to the IC Card Reader located in the left side of KDC500. Make
sure the IC of the card face to up.
3. The KDC500 will send the IC card data to the paired host application.