User Manual

Table Of Contents
Io XT/4K v10.5r2
HDMI output 36
Hold Last Application 29
Horizontal reference 30
horizontally stretched 31
house reference 11
house sync 33
Icons 27
Icons, Control Panel 27
Info Screen 47
Input Pass through 29
Input Screen 33
Input Screen Settings 33
Input/Output 27
Installation Overview 9
Installer Screen 14
Installing Io Software 12
Io 4K, Block Diagram 25
IRE 38
keyed video 42
KONA 3 Formats 31
Letterbox 31
letterbox 31
Linear 41
Load File 43
Log On Authenticate Prompt 13
Machine Control 11
Manual 8
Matte 42
Matte Color 43
Monitor Audio 37
monitoring, analog outputs 37
motion adaptive de-interlacing 6
Mountain Lion 13
offset, video adjustment (timing) 30
pattern, test 29
Pillar box 31
Pillarbox 32
Presets 45
Primary 35
Primary Format 25
Primary format 11
problem symptoms 52
problems, what to do if you encounter 52
progressive frame 31
progressive segmented frame 31
psf 31
Rec 601 41
Rec 709 41
Red 26
Ref In 29
Reference Video 11
Requirements, System 7
RP 188 definition 44
RP-188 Timecode 44
RS422 11
SD letterbox material to an anamorphic image 32
SD to SD aspect ratio conversion 31
Secondary 35
select audio 43
set up 9
Shipping Box Contents 8
sidebars 31
Single Field 40
SMPTE protocol 11
SMPTE RP 188 44
snapshot, Control Panel settings 45
Software 7
software files that have been installed 47
Software installation 12
Software License Agreement Screen 15
software updates 53
software, 3rd-party 22
Sony 11
Specifications 54
Support 53
support 53
Symptoms, problem 52
sync generator 11
synchronizing other video equipment 11
System software 12
Test Pattern 29
Timecode Offset 44
Timecode Screen 38, 43
Timecode Screen Settings 44
timing adjustment 30
Timing adjustment, Control Panel 30
troubleshooting 52
unpack 8