Installation and Operation Manual

KONA Capture, Display, Convert v15.5 58
Info Screen
This screen shows the KONA software files that have been installed on your
system. This information may be needed if you talk to an AJA Customer Service
representative to determine if files are missing or need updating.
Control Panel 4K/UltraHD Operation
This section describes the AJA Control Panel operations specific to KONA 4 and
KONA 5 in 4K Mode. Note that in 4K Mode, you can still capture and playback SD,
HD, and 2K formats.
4K Transport Modes
The 4K and UltraHD SDI formats can use different transport modes, associated
with the number of links used to transport the signal, the data rates involved, and
the way the image data is organized. KONA 4K mode supports both Quadrant
(Square Division) and Two Sample Interleave (2SI) transport standards. Many
different combinations of modes and data organization exist. In 4K mode, besides
single link transport SD, HD and 2Ksignals, KONA also supports the following
transport modes for UltraHD and 4K:
Quadrant 4-wire (transported on four links), available on KONA 4 and KONA 5.
Quadrant 2-wire (transported on two links), available on KONA 4 and KONA 5.
2SI (two or four links automatically selected), available on KONA 4 and KONA 5.
12G single-wire (transported on one link), available on KONA 5.
The amount of data in the signal affects the number of links and data rates
necessary to carry that signal.