Installation and Operation Manual

KONA Capture, Display, Convert v15.5 72
Downstream Keyer Screen in 4K Mode
Figure 37. AJA Control Panel, DS Keyer Screen with Unsupported Message
The KONA Downstream Keyer does not support UltraHD/4K formats, but is
available for use with other video formats. If this screen is selected with a
UltraHD/4K format configured, a “Keyer does not support 4K video formats”
message will be displayed.
Control Panel 8K Operation (KONA 5 only)
This section describes the AJA Control Panel operations specific to KONA 5 in 8K
Mode. This mode supports the capture or playback of 8K material, using four or
two input or output 12G-SDI signals. Note that in 8K Mode, you can still capture
and playback single link SD, HD, and 2K formats.
When KONA 5 is operating in 8K mode, the following Control Panel screens and
capabilities are not available:
Audio Mixer Screen
DS Keyer Screen
LUT Screen
Color space conversion.- You must manually match the output color space
to incoming signal's colorspace. For example, if using 444 signals the RGB
colorspace is required.
NOTE: AJA recommends always using KONA 5 in 4K mode, unless you specifically need
8K functionality.